Cikarang Listrindo Commemorates National Waste Day 2024 Through Various Programs
Public News|February 29, 2024
KONTAN.CO.ID - BEKASI - On Thursday, February 29, 2024, at the Multipurpose Building of Muara Bakti Village, Babelan District, Bekasi Regency, PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk held an event to kickoff the Integrated Waste Management System (SIPANDU) program in Muara Bakti Village, where the Company's PLTU Babelan is located. This activity was carried out as part of the Company's series of activities in the commemoration of National Waste Awareness Day in 2024.
In this event, the Company introduced the community to the concept of the SIPANDU program and reported on the progress of activities that have been carried out in 2024 in preparation for the program implementation, such as field data survey results and training activities for the Supported Waste Banks and SIPANDU Committee. Through SIPANDU, waste can be managed more effectively, that reduces negative impacts on the environment and public health.
Symbolically, the Station Manager of the PTCL - PLTU Babelan, Duriman Efendi, along with the Environmental Agency (DLH) and the Head of Muara Bakti Village, inaugurated the SIPANDU Committee, Waste Rangers, and Clean Muara Bakti Waste Banks as drivers of activities in the community.
The Head of Muara Bakti Village, H. Asmawi, expressed gratitude for the Company's concern in supporting waste management in their village. "As the head of Muara Bakti Village, I express my sincere thanks for the attention given by PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk (PTCL) to Muara Bakti Village through this waste management program."
Eddy Sirotim, Head of Waste Control Section of DLH Kab. Bekasi, expressed appreciation for PTCL's contribution. "This program is expected to serve as an example for other villages in improving their waste management."
Jauhari Eka Ronaldo, General Affairs Manager of the PT CL PLTU Babelan, hoped that the stakeholders who were present could provide input for future SIPANDU programs. "PT CL Babelan strongly supports the creation of a clean environment in Muara Bakti Village. With the SIPANDU program, let's manage waste wisely and sustainably." Attending the event were the representatives from the Environmental Agency and Regional Development Planning Agency of Bekasi Regency (Bappeda), Health Department, Babelan II Community Health Center (Puskesmas), Head of Muara Bakti Village, Village Non-commissioned Military Officers (Babinsa), Mass Police Guidance Officers (Bimaspol), Youth Organization (Karang Taruna), and civil servants of Muara Bakti Village.
In addition to the SIPANDU program, as part of the commemoration of National Waste Day in 2024, the Company has also carried out various other activities aimed at inviting and educating public to continue preserving the environment through waste management. On the same day, together with DLH Bekasi Regency and Mulia Group, as the Company's partners, PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk conducted educational activities for students of SMAN 1 Cikarang Utara, a school located near the PTCL PLTGU Jababeka.
Through these activities, the Company reminded again of the importance of waste management starting from oneself. This series of activities is expected to strengthen the cooperation with the stakeholders and the community to reduce and manage waste wisely, in line with achieving the SDGs 4 - Quality Education, SDGs 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities, and SDGs 13 - Climate Action.
Source: Kontan
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