Highlights of PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk's Sustainability Achievements During 2021
Public News|May 09, 2022
Editor: Ayu Almas
Warta Ekonomi, Jakarta - On April 30, 2022, PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk (IDX: POWR) (“the Company”) has published 2021 Sustainability Report with the theme “Paving a Sustainable Future” which was an integral part of 2021 Annual Report with the theme “Building a Resilient Recovery”.
2021 Sustainability Report Theme described the Company’s strategic steps to promote sustainability in the future. This was conducted by planning Sustainability Roadmap 2030, as a guidance for the Company to achieve environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets, as well as generated sustainable added value for stakeholders.
In midst of challenging pandemic period, Cikarang Listrindo strived to consistently contributing positively to stakeholders and society, as well as environment through development of renewable energy technology and various sustainable initiatives.
One of the important highlights of the Company’s sustainability effort was implementing the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) which was a form of commitment and contribution toward the climate change prevention.
Currently, Cikarang Listrindo is one of the few listed entities in Indonesia that has initiated an early adoption of the TCFD reporting incorporated in 2021 Sustainability Report.
TCFD was formed by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in December 2015. Currently, Corporate’s ESG reporting using TCFD framework become mandatory in G7 countries, such as Canada, France, German, Italy, Japan, England, and United States.
Another important milestone in 2021, the Company successfully set the GHG emissions reduction target by 20% in 2030, in line with the Nationally Determined Contribution in emissions reduction for energy sector by 19%.
The effort to achieve this target is increasing the use of Rooftop Solar Power technology as a power generation option for customers, and using biomass to replace some of the coal at the CFPP Babelan.
With various efforts and initiatives made, the Company recorded a total equivalent of CO2 emissions from the 3 (three) locations, head office and service offices during 2021 with emission intensity of 0.68 GHGe/MWh. The emission intensity in 2021 is lower compared to the intensity in 2019 of 0.71 GHGe/MWh. The reduction in emission intensity is an effort to reduce GHG emissions by the Company.
This calculations have been verified by third party, Transpacific Certifications Limited in conforming to requirements ISO 14064-1:2018. For its sustainability commitment and initiative carried out during 2021, on April 22, 2022 the Company proudly succeeded in achieving Green Elite title for emissions reduction and Platinum Plus title for transparency in emissions calculation from Yayasan Bumi Global Karbon and Majalah Investor. Both are the highest appreciation awarded in the award event.
The Company appointed an independent third party, PT Moores Rowland Indonesia to carry out the assurance process for 2021 Sustainability Report using the ISAE3000 standard, with the aim of verifying the contents of the report, especially on material topics.
With the Company’s Spirit, “Powering Goodness”, the Company is fully committed to contributing positively to all stakeholders, both to the community around the Company’s electricity generation areas and outside the areas by carrying out operational activities in accordance with the principles and formulation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Currently, the Company contributes to 16 out of 17 SDGs.
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