Our Achievement

  • 123458
  • 91011121517

Electricity Connection Program

We are committed to providing free electricity connection up to 18,000 households in various regions in Indonesia. This commitment made for supporting Indonesia electrification ratio assisting Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara.

10,266 households

Gas-to-Electric Stove Conversion Program

Gas-to-Electric Stove Conversion Program of 3,000 unit electric stoves to 60 subdistricts in West Java region in collaboration with the Government of Bandung, West Java.

Village Development Program

In collaboration with PUSKASI (Center for Disaster and Refugee Studies) Polteksos Bandung, BPBD (Regional Disaster Management Agency), TAGANA (Taruna Siaga Disaster), Cipta Nusa Cendikia (CNC), and Bekasi District Government, the Company created the United Alert for Disaster (BEGANA) in Labansari Village.

BEGANA is a community-based disaster management, aimed to strengthening the community preparedness regarding disaster hazards and risks, forming disaster preparedness networks, and optimizing potential and resources for disaster management. In particular, the BEGANA program involves and equips people of productive ages who care for the surrounding environment and are enthusiastic about natural disaster management.

Special Training for Mental Illness Patients (ODGJ)

Since 2021, We managed to train 30 ODGJ patients and send approximately 6,872 kg of paper waste to be processed altogether with other organic waste and recycled into household products, such as bags and tissue holders. This program aims to equip ODGJ with skills that enable them to blend back to the society as productive individuals.

Scholarship Program

Scholarship Program for 49 undergraduate students through Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) Foundation to helping students from underprivileged families pursue higher education at State Universities (PTN).

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Investments

Investments made by the Company toward CSR Programs.

US$ 587.5 thousand

Last Year
US$ 498.7 thousand

Work Accident - Fatality

Zero Case

Last Year
Zero Case

Gender Equality

Female employees are part of the vulnerable group that receives special attention from the Company due to the vulnerability arising from patriarchal culture that places women's roles in the domestic sphere.

88 employees (10.9%)

Last Year
85 employees (10.6%)