
Cikarang Listrindo will not disclose your personal identity as a whistleblower, since we focus only on the information that you have given.

Guarantee of Confidentiality

  • Identity of the whistleblower will be held confidential.
  • Whistleblower protection of threats, intimidation or unpleasant actions from any party as long as the informant keeps the reporting confidential.
  • Whistleblower protection also applies to all parties who carry out investigations as well as those who provide information related to the report.

Full Name (optional)


Type of Violation




Guarantee of Confidentiality

  • Identity of the whistleblower will be held confidential.
  • Whistleblower protection of threats, intimidation or unpleasant actions from any party as long as the informant keeps the reporting confidential.
  • Protection for all parties who carry out investigations as well as those who provide information related to the report.