Why Invest in Cikarang Listrindo

The Pioneer in Private Power Utility for Industrial Estates in Indonesia

The Pioneer in Private Power Utility for Industrial Estates in Indonesia

Since its operation in 1993, Cikarang Listrindo has positioned itself as a reliable partner for the 5 (five) major industrial areas of Jababeka Industrial Estate, MM-2100, East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP), Hyundai Inti Development, and Lippo Cikarang, along with various industries operating in those areas.

Listed and Regular Dividend Paying Company

Listed and Regular Dividend Paying Company

Cikarang Listrindo is the first private power company listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange with consistent returns to Shareholders. Cikarang Listrindo managed to maintain a strong credit rating, enabling the Company to perform interest and
dividend payment to the bondholders and shareholders annually. In 2023, Moody’s and S&P re-affirmed the Company’s credit rating of Ba1 with a stable outlook and BB+ with a stable outlook, respectively. Both ratings are 1 (one) notch below Investment Grade.

Diversified Industrial Customer Base and PLN

Diversified Industrial Customer Base and PLN

Cikarang Listrindo serves over 2,600 customers, consisting of multinational and big companies, diversified in various industrial sectors, including automotive, electronic, plastic, data center, and others. The Company also supplies electricity to PLN under an
Electrical Power Supply and Purchase Agreement.

Well-Positioned to Capitalize on Strong Growth in Electricity Demand from Industrial Estates and Fast-Developing Areas in West Java and Indonesia

Well-Positioned to Capitalize on Strong Growth in Electricity Demand from Industrial Estates and Fast-Developing Areas in West Java and Indonesia

Cikarang Listrindo is the sole private electricity supplier that supplies electricity to 5 (five) leading industrial estates in Cikarang area, which as an integrated area, is one of the largest and most developed industrial estate area in Indonesia. This allows the Company to capitalize on growing power consumption as the estates grow. Supported by the rapid increasing infrastructure development around the industrial estates and access to significant unutilized land for capacity expansion, the Company is enabled to develop in line with the growth of industrial areas.

Experienced Management Team, coupled with Excellent Operational Capabilities and Strong Maintenance Track Record

Experienced Management Team, coupled with Excellent Operational Capabilities and Strong Maintenance Track Record

The Company has world class generation facilities and a highly experienced management team with more than 250 years of cumulative experience in the power sector and proven track record in construction, management, maintenance, and business development.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)-Based Sustainable Business Growth

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)-Based Sustainable Business Growth

Operational development and business growth focuses on ESG. Commitment to reducing emissions and developing renewable energy, bringing goodness to the society, and implementing national and international-based GCG practices become the three main ways of how the Company operates to realize sustainable growth with all stakeholders for the future.

Financial Highlights

Net Sales


Million US Dollar

Total Assets


Million US Dollar

Profit for The Year


Million US Dollar

Dividend Yield



* as per 2023

Listrindo Stock Information


Cikarang Listrindo Tbk


-5 (-0.75%)













LAST UPDATE : Jan 30, 2025

Analyst Coverage

Cikarang Listrindo is covered by the analyst listed below. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Cikarang Listrindo's performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Cikarang Listrindo or its management.

Brokerage Analyst Telephone Email
PT Danareksa Sekuritas Niko Margaronis +62-21-2955-5888 [email protected]
PT Indopremier Sekuritas Hans Tantio +62-21-5088-7200 [email protected]
PT Mandiri Sekuritas Henry Tedja +62-21-526-3445 [email protected]
PT RHB Sekuritas Indonesia Fauzan L. Djamal +62-21-5093-9994 [email protected]
PT Stockbit Sekuritas Digital Theodorus Melvin +62-21-50959-330 [email protected]
PT Valbury Sekuritas Indonesia Alfiansyah +62-21-2553-3600 [email protected]
PT Verdhana Sekuritas Indonesia Michael Wildon +62-21-5798-5740 [email protected]
PT Yuanta Sekuritas Indonesia Chandra Pasaribu +62-21-318-9541 [email protected]

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